A New Princess in the Kingdom

Disney´s most anticipated 50th film Tangled premiered in Argentina last January 6th. Hundreds of critiques have expanded on the fact that this is a modern fairy tale, which responds to a formula that has already proven its efficiency since Disney´s first steps with Snow White.

«Once upon a time…»
Tangled, the movie´s original name, reminds the world that if there is something Disney is really good at, its adapting a classic in order to entertain audiences of all ages. For those of us who can say one of our oldest memories is a chestnut haired young lady dancing with a Beast in a huge room, this movie represents a reinvention of the 90´s Disney Princesses.

With a soundtrack composed by Alan Menkel -responsible for the scores of the Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Pocahontas, among others, this tear-jerking version was also supervised by legendary John Lasseter (Toy Story).

From a tragedy to a fairytale

Far from the Grimm Brother´s original storyline, in this version Rapunzel is a beautiful blue eyed blonde, -yeah, they just couldn´t stay away from the Barbie stereotype for this one- proud owner of 90 feet of magical golden hair, which posseses healing powers and the gift of eternal youth.

As a child she is kidnapped by an old woman -Mother Gothel- who hides her in a tower for almost 18 years. However, every year Rapunzel´s parents throw hundreds of linterns in the sky just on her birthday, hoping that their daughter will return.

Anxious to see these lights in person, Rapunzel heads to the city with Flynn Rider, a charming thief who accidentally finds her tower. Together they´ll learn that if they overcome their fears, their dreams will come true.

Mother Gothel, the villain in this story, is a manipulative woman who plays tricks on Rapunzel´s mind so she can never escape the Tower. The sidekicks -Pascal the Chamaleon and Maximus the royal Horse- take over all the spotlight in the movie.

CGI and Voice Talents

While this production´s main goal was to go back to Disney´s origins, the CGI animation is the greatest highlight. Tangled happens to be the first movie ever made in 3D in the Mouse Factory. Rapunzel´s adventure also managed to bring down a major preconception which claims animated movies should only be watched in their original versions, otherwhise they fall flat. This was possible thanks to an excellent selection of voice talents which fit perfectly with each character.

Singer and Actress Mandy Moore played Rapunzel, while pop singer Danna Paola dubbed the latinamerican version. Flynn was impersonated by NBC Chuck´s Zack Levi, and adapted to spanish with the voice of singer and actor Chayanne.

The result? A score where most of the songs -specially in the scene where Rapunzel finally leaves the tower- sound even better in spanish. However, the biggest surprise came for Chuck fans, who enjoyed a never-before-seen artistic side of rising star Zac Levi. To him it wasn´t that a big challenge though, due to his previous experience in theater.

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